Opening Hours

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Office Location

14A/ Pure Street City

About Us

We’ve all experienced the differences between walking in a big box store and walking in a small locally owned business. In the big box stores it’s all too common to be ignored or even met with a scowl, and customer service is non existent today.

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About Us

About Us

We’ve all experienced the differences between walking in a big box store and walking in a small locally owned business. In the big box stores it’s all too common to be ignored or even met with a scowl, and customer service is non existent today.

In a smaller locally owned business we are more likely to be met with a smile and a friendly greeting, followed up by a great shopping or buying experience because of the willingness to please the customer. Which one of these experiences do you prefer?

The home improvement business is not so different from the scenarios above. A local family owned home improvement company can give you more value than a larger company by providing you with excellent customer service and quality workmanship at a fair price. With a locally owned family business you are more than just a number, and can be provided with more individualized service. A smaller family ran business will also be more likely to take the time to answer questions and address any concerns you may have while treating you with the utmost respect. Not only is customer service better with a smaller company, the quality of workmanship is as well. A smaller business may have fewer employees, but most often they are more skilled and have more experience than those at a larger company.

Larger companies are known for poor customer service and higher prices. These companies often hire employees who are less skilled that will work for lower prices, causing workmanship to be questionable. Because employees are paid less, they care less about their job and are less likely to do those little extras as well. When dealing with a larger company you are less likely to get individualized service and are more likely to pay a higher rate that when working with a smaller company. With a larger company you are also more likely to have to deal with more than one person and there is a potential for communication issues and delays because of this. When choosing your next company to do your home repairs, consider working with a local family owned business. We will appreciate your business and show you that ever step of the way. If you’re in the Central Wisconsin area, Davis Enterprise is will be there for your roof washing, driveway sealing, gutters or roofing needs! Call us today: 866-465-9010


Rosalina D. Williamson - Founder


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